Saturday, April 23, 2011

Black Elk's Vision by S. D. Nelson

This is a beautifully told story of the tragic fate of the Lakota Nation.  Through the words of Black Elk himself, readers are led through his childhood, his "holy gift" or spiritual visions, battles with Lt. Col. Custer (aka Yellowhair) and Wounded Knee, as well as his travels with Cody's Wild West Show.  All throughout this moving account, Black Elk returns to the spirits' warnings of the broken circle of life...and while their is infinite sadness throughout, a small sliver of hope resonates as he hints that the current generation has the power, and can decide to mend the broken circle of life.  His message is illustrated with actual photographs, some quite graphic, as well as artful Native sketches and paintings.  These photos and illustrations highlight both the cruelty and the hope his message shares with his audience.    

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